الجمعة، 11 أبريل 2008


no one is beyond death
no one is beyond the inevitable end
even the most ruthless tyrant in the world
and no tyrant ignores or even dies before realizing this truth
rather , he laments for himself
here's Macbeth
I have lived long enough : my way of life
Is fall'n into the sere , the yellow leaf;
And that which accompany old age ,
As honour , love , obedience , troops of friends,
I must not look to have ; but , in their stead ,
curses , ont loud but deep
I'm sill waiting for another one to say it
and I'm sure
if he is not saying it now , very soon he will
if not loud , it'll be deep

6 اشراقات الزوار:

khobayb يقول...


Every one is gonna die

It's just that ppl ignore this fact !

They sell the lasting life and buy the mortal one

just because they cant wait !

strange .. but true



I think the new layout has an indescent pop-up advertisement ?

check that please


My Regards

Abdallah Hosni يقول...


I wanna say eny thing but Khobaybe said

but stop with

no tyrant ignores or even dies before realizing this truth rather

M.Nassif يقول...

If they would learn from histroy

Hosam Yahia حسام يحيى يقول...


I dont under stand any thing

thank u

صريح أوي يقول...

بوست جميل
جزاكم الله خيرا
لكن هناك أمثلة أفضل من ماكبث كثيرا توضح الأمر خاصة لأن الجميع لا يعرفون من هو ماكبث
فرعون " كمعني وليس شخص " ، ملوك وعظماء عاشوا وماتوا ولم يراعي لهم أحد . لم يتركوا أثرا باقيا في الحياة
أستعير مقولة
If they would learn from histroy
ولن يتعلموا أبدا
جزاكم الله خيرا

سما الإسلام يقول...

strange but true
thank you
I've changed it
if it is still existing plz inform me
bcoz I did't notice it before

all my respect

thank you or your visit and comment
you r right
once Dr . khobayb speaks
everyone is speechless
but your visit is so honourable
thank you

Dr. Nassif
if they did many things would have been changed

I hope they do oneday
thanks alot

مش مشكلة
المهم انك بتعدي من هنا
دي اهم حاجة

صريح أوي
جزاكم الله خيرا
الموضوع انه ابيات ماكبث وجدتها معبرة جدا عن الواقع
لكن الامثلة كثيرة جدا
و خاصة في القصص القرآني
وليس هناك ماهو افضل منه

عند حضرتك حق
المشكلة انهم مش بيتعلموا

جزاكم الله خيرا
وفقكم الله الي مايحبه ويرضاه